Pietra Gray Price and Rate
Unquestionably Pietra gray price depends on some factors which can increase or decrease the value of this product. These elements are about sort, size, thickness, stone crack, uniformity, stone quality, extraction and process and methods and quality, finish, purity, quality of stone cutting, freight and shipping, stone color and pattern, stone packaging, currency fluctuations and so on. We have talked about each factor in details before, thus to find out more about them please read below articles:
Pietra Gray Price
Due to factors above, the most recent rates of this product are followed by the table below in block, slab and tile size.
Different Sorts and Grades
All in all, Pietra grey marble stone (Armani grey) is typically categorized in different sorts and grades, according to its quality and appearance. To give an instance, grade A, is more valuable than grade B and C as a result of higher quality. Given that, by higher quality I mean :
1. More uniform and darker color (see image below)
2. Less yellow stains and veins (see image below)
3. Less lines on stone’s surface (see image below)
4. Less burning marks on stone’s surface (see image below)
To summarize, we see all important details about Pietra Grey sorts in the following table:
Additionally, from top to bottom we will describe each sort .
Grade A :
First grade has the highest quality, with a dark grey background, uniform color and flawless appearance. No burning mark can be seen on its surface, as well as yellow veins.
Grade B :
Second grade has a high quality, with a dark grey background and uniform color, and no yellow streaks on its surface. However, a few burning marks on the stone’s surface are visible.
Grade C :
Third grade has an average quality, with a light grey background and uniform color, obvious burning mark and yellow veins on its surface.